Ball Lightning, by Cixin Liu and Talisker Storm, Part 1

Michael and Ethan begin their discussion of Ball Lightning, by Cixin Liu.

In this episode:

  • Segues drive us over the edge

  • We come up with a bad SF novel

  • There is laziness

  • Ethan knows nothing about China. Well, he knows 2 things.

  • The idea is the main character, but also the main character is the idea

  • Michael would be mad at himself, but he’s intentional (I think)

Next episode they’ll begin talking about Ball Lightning, by Cixin Liu. Join the discussion! Go to the Contact page and put "Scotch Talk" in the Subject line. We'd love to hear from you! And submit your homework at the Michael & Ethan in a Room with Scotch page.

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Your Hosts: Michael G. Lilienthal (@mglilienthal) and

Ethan Bartlett (@bjartlett)


"Kessy Swings Endless - (ID 349)" by Lobo Loco. Used by permission.

"The Grim Reaper - II Presto" by Aitua. Used under an Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License.

"Thinking It Over" by Lee Rosevere. Used under an Attribution License.

Ethan Bartlett