Despair, by Vladimir Nabokov, and Laphroiag 10yo, Part 2

Michael and Ethan continue their discussion of Despair, by Vladimir Nabokov.

In this episode:

  • A shocklingly concise start

  • If two people look like each other, they can be mistaken for one another

  • The triumphant return of Names With Michael

  • A special guest

  • An amazing race

  • Quite frankly, Ethan forgot to take any notes while editing so he probably missed some stuff

The next book is Michael and Ethan’s Annual Mondo Book, which we will spend four episodes on. This year’s Mondo Book is I Am a Cat, by Soseki Natsume. Join the discussion! Go to the Contact page and put "Scotch Talk" in the Subject line. We'd love to hear from you! And submit your homework at the Michael & Ethan in a Room with Scotch page.

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Your Hosts: Michael G. Lilienthal (@mglilienthal) and

Ethan Bartlett (@bjartlett)


"Kessy Swings Endless - (ID 349)" by Lobo Loco. Used by permission.

"The Grim Reaper - II Presto" by Aitua. Used under an Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License.

"Thinking It Over" by Lee Rosevere. Used under an Attribution License.

Ethan Bartlett