The Last Murder at the End of the World, by Stuart Turton, and Smokehead Twisted, Part 1
Michael and Ethan and special guest Nick begin their discussion of Stuart Turton’s third novel, The Last Murder at the End of the World.
In this episode:
Thanks to Jared
Murder plots versus murder mysteries
But like, what even is human, anyway, right?
And what is supernatural, even?
Clarke’s Third Law: “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic”
We must imagine Prometheus happy
Some bad news about ambiguity in novels
Next time Michael, Ethan, and special guest Nick will continue to discuss The Last Murder at the End of the World, by Stuart Turton! Join the discussion! Go to the Contact page and put "Scotch Talk" in the Subject line. We'd love to hear from you! And submit your homework at the Michael & Ethan in a Room with Scotch page.
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"Kessy Swings Endless - (ID 349)" by Lobo Loco. Used by permission.
"The Grim Reaper - II Presto" by Aitua. Used under an Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License.
"Thinking It Over" by Lee Rosevere. Used under an Attribution License.
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