Eggtermission 2 - Lillianna's Egg

Another flashback!  Big things are coming for our trainers, but let's go back in time to the beginning of Lillianna's adventure, because some of what happens here will come into play in the coming episodes.  Enjoy some of the ambiance of the metropolis of Raatu, and see how Lillianna found the egg for her Growlithe, Grunge.

Lillianna Shadowgarden - played by Lydia

And our Game Master - Nick

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Theme Music "Electric Donkey Muscles" by RoccoW.  Used under an Attribution-ShareAlike License.

Other music and sound effects in this episode:

"Midnight Sun" by Lee Rosevere

"Battle! [Intro]" by Visager

"Battle! [Loop]" by Visager

"Welcome Player" by Visager

Used under an Attribution License.