The Q&A Episode! (or, Are We Funny Yet?)

In honor of reaching our 50th episode, and having conversations with many excellent and wonderful fans, we’ve decided to answer your questions! It’s a bit of a longer episode, but stick with it to the end and learn more about our show!

The cast:

Chartreuse (Charlie) Pine - played by Paul

Lillianna Shadowgarden - played by Lydia

Professor Rudimentus Sneaze - played by Michael

And our Game Master - Nick

Ellie - Ellie

Join our Facebook Group, where you can meet and chat with the cast and other fans!  We'll approve everyone's request to join (unless you're a robot; we don't like robots).

Donate to our Patreon, and earn sweet rewards by becoming a part of the Pokemon Rollout! family.

We’re pleased to announce our newest partnership with the Here’s Johnny! podcast, in which Larry and Justin give intelligent and in-depth reviews of movies, games, and stories in the horror genre.


Theme Music "Electric Donkey Muscles" by RoccoW.  Used under an Attribution-ShareAlike License.

We Can Do It” and “Inside the Tower [Loop]” by Visager.  Used under an Attribution License.

Spooky Outro” by transient. Used under an Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.