5th Monday Special - Detective Grunge and the Lost Electrics (or, You Should Never Leave Any Wrapper Unturned)

He’s back! We all knew he would be. Detective Grunge sniffs a mystery afoot, and when he, Melody, and Cuddles find some lost Electric-types in a playground, they know it’s up to them to help!

The cast:

Paul (also @AlakazamGanda)



And Nick

Also Eyeli

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Theme Music "Electric Donkey Muscles" by RoccoW.  Used under an Attribution-ShareAlike License.

Electric Charge” by Frau Holle. Used under an Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 International License.

We Can Do It [Loop]” by Visager.  Used under an Attribution License.

Bipolarity” by Poor Alexei. Used under an Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.

Midnight Sun” by Lee Rosevere. Used under an Attribution-NonCommercial License.