Episode 29 - The Agni Base! (or, Plot and Leveling Up)
Episode 28 - Trilithon Sanctuary Gym Battle, Part 2! (or, Only Bending the Rules)
Episode 27 - The Trilithon Sanctuary Gym - Interrupted! (or, What)
EpisodesMichael Lilienthalpokemon tabletop united, ptu, rpg, pokemon rpg podcast, pokemon actual-play, pokemon new story, pokemon adventure podcast, actual-play, archetype of terror and fiction, archetype
Episode 26 - In the Shadow of the Flames! (or, I Didn't Ask...)
EpisodesMichael Lilienthalpokemon tabletop united, ptu, pokemon rpg podcast, pokemon actual-play, pokemon real-play, pokemon story, live-play pokemon podcast, pokemon fantasy, she is a lady, pokemon, pokemon tcg, pokemon trading card game podcast
Episode 25 - Epicenter! (or, Professor Sneaze Is Old)
EpisodesMichael Lilienthalpokemon nostalgia, pokemon rpg podcast, pokemon story, ptu, pokemon fantasy, pokemon new story, rpg, real-play, actual-play, pokemon actual-play, fantasy, Pokemon story
Snowpoint City Snowtacular! - 2017 Pokemon Rollout! Christmas Special, Part 2 (or, Guys, Stop Laughing, It's Christmas!)
EpisodesMichael Lilienthalpokemon adventure podcast, christmas special, pokemon christmas, ptu, pokemon tabletop united, rpg, pokemon rpg podcast, d20, real-play, pokemon real-play, pokemon fantasy
Episode 24 - Bad Luck! (or, We're Running Through a Pinefield Here)
Snowpoint City Snowtacular! - 2017 Pokemon Rollout! Christmas Special - Part 1
EpisodesMichael Lilienthalpokemon adventure podcast, christmas special, pokemon christmas, ptu, pokemon story, pokemon tabletop united, rpg, rpg podcast, pokemon rpg podcast, fantasy, snowpoint city, d20
Episode 23 - Bear Baiting! (or, You're Totally Not Gonna Do Bad Stuff with Me)
Episode 22 - Seeing Red! (or, Scyther, Not Seviper)
Alolan Special! (or, Nincada Circus!)
EpisodesMichael Lilienthalpokemon adventure podcast, alola, ultra sun & ultra moon, ptu, pokemon tabletop united, pokemon podcast, rpg, real-play, totem pokemon, d20
Episode 21 - Haunted! (or, I Need Sleep)
Pokegeist! - 2017 Pokemon Rollout! Halloween Special
Eggtermission 3 - Charlie's Egg
Episode 20 - Earth, Wind, and...Water! (or, I Hate You)
Episode 19 - King of the Hill! (or, All of the Flexing)
Episode 18 - Mirror, Mirror! (or, It's Too Early for This)
EpisodesMichael Lilienthalpokemon podcast, pokemon adventure podcast, fantasy, creepy, rpg, real-play, d20, ptu, pokemon tabletop united, pokemon training
Episode 17 - In the Pits! (or, What Has This Show Become?)
EpisodesMichael Lilienthalptu, pokemon story, pokemon adventure podcast, real-play, pokemon tabletop united, fantasy, d20, rpg, pokemon training, pokemon podcast
Pokemon Rollout! Tapestry Radio Shakespeare Festival 2017 Special (or, "Bro...Bro, You Can Trust Me, Bro")
EpisodesMichael Lilienthalpokemon, shakespeare, romeo & juliet, hamlet, macbeth, d20, rpg, real-play, ptu, pokemon tabletop united
Episode 16 - Duck Hunt! (or, We're Sleepy